Porting DirectFB
- 1 DirectFB porting to RTS7751R2D (SH-4/SM501) platform
- 2 Install DirectFB
- 3 Writing DirectFB driver
- 4 SM501 driver development
- 5 DirectFB porting notes
- 6 Resources
DirectFB porting to RTS7751R2D (SH-4/SM501) platform
Development Environment
SH-4 target platform environment
Item | Element | Resources |
Hardware | Renesas `RTS7751R2D` (Renesas SH-4 processor board) | RTS7751R2D Handling Manual |
Silicon Motion Inc SM501 (Renesas platform on board graphics) | ||
Software | kernel = CE-LINUX-2.4.20 | Tool Chains |
loader = SH-LILO | ||
DirectFB = DirectFB-0.9.20 | | |
freetype = freetype-2.1.3 | | |
libjpeg = jpeg-6b | | |
libpng = png-1.2.2 | | |
zlib = zlib-1.1.4 | |
x86 host machine environment
Item | Element | Resources |
OS | Linux ( Redhat 7.3 ) | [1] |
host compiler | gcc 2.9.6 | [2] |
cross compiler | gcc 3.2.3 ( CELF sh-4 compiler posted by Lineo Solutions ) | Tool Chains |
Install DirectFB
Prepare libraries used in DirectFB
- Extract each source code
- Set environment variables for cross compile
CC = /usr/local/bin/sh4-linux-gcc
CPP = /usr/local/bin/sh4-linux-cpp
CXX = /usr/local/bin/sh4-linux-g++
- create libjpeg
modify configure file for cross compile
line 548 : change "gcc" to "sh4-linux-gcc"
# ./configure --enable-shared
# make
# cp .libs/* /usr/local/sh4-linux/lib
- create zlib
# ./configure --shared
modify Makefile for cross compile
line 24 : LDSHARED=/usr/local/bin/sh4-linux-gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,
line 28 :
# make
# cp libz* /usr/local/sh4-linux/lib
- create libpng
# cp scripts/makefile.linux Makefile
modify Makefile for cross compile
line 11 : change "gcc" to "sh4-linux-gcc"
# make
# cp* /usr/local/sh4-linux/lib
- create freetype
# ./configure --host=sh4-linux
# make
# cp objs/.libs/* /usr/local/sh4-linux/lib
# cp -r include/* /usr/local/sh4-linux/include
- Cross Compile DirectFB for SH-4
adopt patch upon DirectFb source directory
# gzip -d -c DirectFB-0.9.20-ftpath.patch.gz | patch -p0
# ./configure --host=sh4-linux \
# --disable-sdl \
# --with-ftpath=/usr/local/sh4-linux
# --with-gfxdrivers=sm501
# make
If error occurs modify interfaces/IDirectFBFont/Makefile
line 86 : remove "-lfreetype"
- We use CELF SH-4 root_fs image posted by Lineo Solutions.
- We expect this root_fs is already bootable.
- We expect root_fs is mounted on /mnt.
- We add /usr/local/lib?/usr/lib to /etc/
- Prepare directory for DirectFB installation
# mkdir /usr/lib
# mkdir /usr/local/share
# mkdir /usr/local/share/directfb-examples
# mkdir /usr/local/lib/
# mkdir /usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20
# mkdir /usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/gfxdrivers
# mkdir /usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/inputdrivers
# mkdir /usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/interfaces
# mkdir /usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/interfaces/IDirectFBFont
# mkdir /usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/interfaces/IDirectFBImageProvider
# mkdir /usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/interfaces/IDirectFBVideoProvider
# mkdir /usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/systems
- copy libjpeg
move to libjpeg's directory
# cp .libs/* /mnt/usr/lib
- copy zlib
move to zlib's directory
# cp* /mnt/usr/lib
- copy libpng
move to libpng's directory
# cp /mnt/usr/lib/
# cp /mnt/usr/lib/
# cp /mnt/usr/lib/
- copy freetype
move to freetype's directory
# cp objs/.libs/* /mnt/usr/lib
- copy DirectFB
move to DirectFB's directory
# cp src/.libs/ /mnt/usr/lib
# cp src/.libs/* /mnt/usr/lib
# cp gfxdrivers/sm501/.libs/ /mnt/usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/gfxdrivers
# cp inputdrivers/joystick/.libs/ /mnt/usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/inputdrivers
# cp inputdrivers/keyboard/.libs/ /mnt/usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/inputdrivers
# cp inputdrivers/ps2mouse/.libs/ /mnt/usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/inputdrivers
# cp inputdrivers/serialmouse/.libs/ /mnt/usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/inputdrivers
# cp inputdrivers/sonypi/.libs/ /mnt/usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/inputdrivers
# cp interfaces/IDirectFBFont/.libs/libidirectfbfont_*.so /mnt/usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/interfaces/IDirectFBFont
# cp interfaces/IDirectFBImageProvider/.libs/libidirectfbimageprovider_*.so /mnt/usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/interfaces/IDirectFBImageProvider
# cp interfaces/IDirectFBVideoProvider/.libs/libidirectfbvideoprovider_*.so /mnt/usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/interfaces/IDirectFBVideoProvider
Prepare Demo software
Through previous steps, you have installed DirectFB to SH-4 Linux environment. To confirm everything created and installed properly use DirectFB demo program. You can download these demo program from DirectFB project website, that name is "DirectFB-examples". We used version 0.9.18. You can download from following Web site.
DirectFB-examples used in this tutorial.
As we faced some problem compiling these demo program for SH-4 Linux, we installed to x86 Linux first, then retarget to SH-4 Linux using following step.
Modify Makefile in src directry as
"CC = gcc" to "CC = sh4-linux-gcc"
"LIBADDS = -L/usr/local/lib -ldirectfb -lpthread -ldl" to
"LIBADDS = -L/usr/local/sh4-linux/lib -ldirectfb -lpthread -ldl"
Adopt same modification to each Makefile in src/df_knuckles?src/df_neo?src/spacedream
Do make in src directory ( If you do make at the upper directory, it seems not works correctly )
Install Demo program
Now demo program binary images was generated in src directory, you can copy manually these binary to target root_fs's your preferred location. Then copy all data file located under data directory to /usr/local/share/directfb-examples It seems you do not maintain/modift these file (just copy) except Makefile.
Benchmark program
Demo program named df_dok is DirectFB benchmark. If you run this without any options, it automatically runs set of benchmark program using graphics acceleration capability, and display result as graph. We use this benchmark score to tune DirectFB library for SM501.
Cross compiling
Like other Linux application program, DirectFB is designed to compile only on x86 Linux. We struggled this time to compile DirectFB for SH-4 Linux and finally we success this cross porting. However we think this is a kind of handwork way. When you try to run demo program on non-x86 Linux, x86 reference looks mandatory. I suggest you start DirectFB implementation from x86 Linux.
Writing DirectFB driver
Graphics driver detection procedure
Graphics chip drivers are located under /usr/local/lib/directfb-0.9.20/gfxdrivers There is no special installation procedure to add your own driver. DirectFB checks all drivers in driver_probe routine. When DirectFB detect correct driver in this process, DirectFB enables this driver. If driver does not works then move to next driver check, if all drivers does not much, DirectFB runs software mode without dedicated graphics driver. We have tentatively modified this process force to use SM501 driver.
Enabling hardware graphics acceleration capability
Drawing routine set command parameters to use 2D acceleration capability. Graphic driver returns TRUE or FALSE as return-value. If FALSE returned, DirectFB thinks hardware acceleration does not built-in, and use whole software drawing. Not all drawing routine has this acceleration detection mechanism, it is sure to define in `CheckState` routine. You can write your own driver as you like except command parameters and return value.
SM501 driver development
reference driver
We use i810 graphics driver as a reference, because it is small and looks easy to implement. Finally we need to refer other drivers because i810 has limited numbers of draw routine. If you want to support full drawing capabilities, Matrox driver may be better reference.
Drawing API prepared for SM501
API | Operations |
`sm501_set_src` | Set source address for BLIT operation. You need to assign VRAM physical address to source address. |
`sm501_set_dest` | Set destination physical address and color depth for BLIT and drawing operation. |
`sm501_set_colorkey` | colorkey setting, it defines transparent color for colorkeyed BLIT operation. Color compare regiser is used in SM501 to enable this operation. You can define transparent color to the SM501 color compare register, then SM501 does not transfer this color when doing BLIT operation. So it looks transparent. |
`sm501_set_color` | Define drawing color setting |
`sm501_set_clip` | Save clipping coordinates value to the structure, and set SM501 clipping register as well |
`sm501CheckState` | This bit returns hardware acceleration capability. You need to refer each graphics spec, and you also care for color format that graphics supports |
`sm501SetState` | Do pre-process for acceleration |
`sm501FillRectangle` | Do fill rectangle, using SM501 2D drawing engine |
`sm501DrawRectangle` | Draw rectangles. SM501 does not have rectangle drawing capability, so draw four lines to draw rectangle in this driver |
`sm501Blit` | Do BLIT operation, using SM501 2D drawing engine |
`sm501StretchBlit` | Do Stretch BLIT To avoid SM501 2D engine stretch function limitation, we use CSC (color space conversion) function instead. Colorkeyed stretch BLIT can not be support in this driver. |
`sm501DrawLine` | Draw line, using SM501 2D drawing engine. Use shortstroke command for simple vertical / holizontal line,and use line command for other kind of line. |
`sm501fill_tri` | Draw triangle with filling inside. As SM501 does not have hardware triangle drawing capability,we draw triangle by software. However we can use horizontal line draw capability in SM501, so seems to achieved a little better performance than all software drawing. |
`sm501FillTriangle` | Fill triangle, actual operation execute in subroutine sm501fill_tri |
`driver_get_abi_version` | Returns version information |
`driver_probe` | This should return check result of expected graphics chip is exist or not. At this moment, this driver retunes always TRUE (=SM501 exist) |
`driver_get_info` | Returns driver's information |
`sm501_release_resource` | Do close operation |
`driver_init_driver` | Initialize SM501 2D engine and create function table |
`driver_init_device` | Initialize device structure |
`driver_close_device` | Do nothing at this moment |
`driver_close_driver` | Do nothing at this moment |
DirectFB porting notes
DirectFB requires display resolution capability built in frame buffer driver. So initially we modify SM501 generic frame buffer driver to support resolution and color depth setting. We did not care for pixel_clock, left/right margin and vertical/horizontal sync, because DirectFB does not works when frame buffer drivers return FALSE to these parameter. It looks no problem using without these parameters.
Initially we modify reference gfxdriver (=i810) source code so that SH-4 gcc compiler can compile properly. Actually we maintain filename, display character and source code comment to fit SM501. And commented out driver code that operate 2D graphics engine. After you compile SM501 driver, copy it to the proper location so that DirectFB can load this new driver. If DirectFB boot message does not comes driver location missing nor driver_probe process returns error.
Then merge 2D engine sample program that works. In SM501 initialization call 2D engine initialization and modify simple graphics API like line. You need to activate bit in `CheckState`, that has hardware acceleration in SM501. Remove unused program in driver_init_driver, to eliminate unexpected initialization.
Once SM501 hardware acceleration works, replace other drawing API. If SM501 command support DirectFB drawing API, just use SM501 command. If SM501 does not support it, you need to find out alternative way to implement this API. If your reference driver does not support required API, you need to refer other graphics driver and you need to add this function by yourself.
If you added new hardware drawing API, you need to enable bit in `CheckState` and need to maintain function table list. Due to the limitations of graphics controller if some hardware acceleration can not be used, you need to disable corresponded bit in `CheckState`. For example SM501 can not handle ARGB format. If BLIT source format does not much target format, SM501 can not use hardware BLIT capability. In such case you need to disable bit in `CheckState`.
To achieve better performance, we modify to use /dev/mem access instead of usual ioctl call, that was originally used in reference driver. After we maintained to read/write 2D engine register directly use /dev/mem, drawing performance increased dramatically especially `FillRect` type simple parameter command.
Finally we removed un-used function built in reference driver. For example i810 driver include UMA setting. PCI initialization does not need when SM501 connect to SH-4 using SH-BUS. So we remove these portion.
Unfortunately we can not find any useful information to DirectFB port to SH-4 Linux. So we do it using step-by-step way using printk(). For 2D acceleration portion, sample program and device document were helpful. But sometime it is difficult to understand actual drawing limitations. So x86 DirectFB is mandatory as a reference when you port DirectFB to the Linux runs on embedded CPU like SH-4.
You can download original source, patches and pre-compiled DirectFB program for `RTS7751R2D` platform
source archives
NOTE: The versions listed below are very old. Newer versions are recommended.
- DirectFB DirectFB-0.9.20.tar.gz (1277kB)
- Freetype freetype-2.1.3.tar.gz (1021kB)
- libjpeg jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz (599kB)
- libpng libpng-1.2.2.tar.gz (488kB)
- zlib zlib-1.1.4.tar.gz (177kB)
- DirectFB SM501 patches DirectFB-0.9.20-sh4-sm501.patch.tar.gz (21kB)
kernel, root_fs
- CELF kernel Media:celinux.tgz | celinux.tgz (42MB) - NOTE that this file is too large to upload. See the old CELF Wiki and search for celinux.tgz or email the admin.
- root_fs for `RTS7751R2D` platform Media:rootfs.tgz | rootfs.tgz (36MB) NOTE that this file is too large to upload. See the old CELF Wiki and search for rootfs.tgz