
Bootup Time Howto Task List

Below is a list of tasks to be worked on for Boot-up Time Reduction Howto project. If no one has signed up for a task, feel free to do so (on a first-come, first-served basis). If the link in the Technique column is red, the referenced wiki page has not been created yet.

To edit the task list, you can click on either EditText or EditTable at the bottom of this page. EditTable should be easier to use.

Please fill in the person (which can be a wiki name if you have a page on this site) or just your name. Please also provide contact information if you are not a member of the forum. If you would like to commit to a completion date, please enter that as well, in the form: YYYY-MM-DD. Finally, add any notes you think are pertinent to this task.

Individual technique pages should be created using the SingleHowtoTechniqueTemplate

Status should be one of: "not done", "started", "done", "cancelled"

Task List

Task Description Technique Person Expected Completion Date Status Notes
Create wiki page for skipping firmware Skip Firmware - - not done -
Create wiki page for preconfiguring PCI PreconfigurePCI - - not done -
Create wiki page for not probing for missing devices NoProbeMissingDevices - - not done -
Create wiki page for using a small kernel config Small Kernel Config - - not done -
Create wiki page for reducing driver busy waits Reduce Driver Busy Waits - - not done -
Create wiki page for threaded driver initialization Threaded Init - - not done -
Create wiki page for loading drivers later Load Drivers Later - - not done -
Create wiki page for eliminating some RC scripts ReduceRCScripts - - not done -
Create wiki page for using a custom init program Custom Init Program - - not done -
Create wiki page for reducing writes to flash Reduce Flash Writes - - not done -
Create wiki page for disabling logging Disable Logging - - not done -
Create wiki page for using a ramdisk during boot Ramdisk During Boot - - not done -
Create wiki page for using a segmented file system Segmented File System - - not done -
Create wiki page for using smaller programs Smaller Programs - - not done -
Create wiki page for using faster memory Faster Memory - - not done -


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