
Japan Technical Jamboree 37

HeadTitle LFCEWG.png
Date: May 20th / 日付: 5月20日(金)

At Nakano Sunplaza / 於、中野サンプラザ


Introduction / はじめに

  • The Japan Technical Jamboree is a forum-wide technical meeting of the CE Linux Forum. This meeting will be located conveniently in Japan and use Japanese as the native language of the event.
  • A general guidance page is available. / 初めての方はこちらもお読みください。

Special remarks for non Japanese speakers

  • This page is Japanese/English bilingual. Please allow some contents on this page are not translated into English because of this event is Japan regional one, though we try to place English translation.
  • If you would like to perform your presentation in English, we also welcome you to join! We hope you to speak slowly without any complicated expressions. Most Japanese developers are capable to understand plain English.

Previous Jamboree

Date and venue... / 日付・場所...

Nakano Sunplaza.jpg

  • Date May 20th, 2011
    • Starting at 10 am
  • At Nakano Sunplaza / 会場 中野サンプラザ
  • Admission: Free of charge / 参加費用: 無料
  • Not limited for CELF members. / CELF会員以外も参加・セッション持ち込み共に可能
  • Coordinators / 世話役 (Your inquiries in English welcome)
    • Hisao Munakata / 宗像尚郎 (hisao_dot_munakata_dot_vt(a)renesas_dot_com)
    • Satoru Ueda / 上田理 (Satoru_dot_Ueda(a)jp_dot_sony_dot_com)

Registration / 参加登録

  • No registration required / 参加登録は要りません。

Main Topics

  • It is just before the LinuxCon Japan!

LinuxCon Japanまであと二週間のタイミングです!

Agenda / 進行



Title and presenter


Presentation Materials


  • Opening / 連絡事項
  • CE Linux Forum to go with The Linux Foundation (S. Ueda, CELF Marketing Gp. Chair)


Connected from USA





  • Damian Hobson-Garcia (iGel)

    • Integrating a Hardware Video Codec into Android Stagefright using OpenMAX IL
      • The presentation covers, by means of a case study, the integration of hardware video codecs into the Android Stagefright framework. The presentation discusses the basics of the OpenMAX Integration Layer (IL) API and how it is used to interconnect audio and video codecs. The method used to integrate the component into the Android Stagefright media server framework is explained. Also, some of the methods and technologies used to optimize the performance of the system, including tiled/raster conversion and hardware rendering are detailed.
  • (In English / 英語のセッションです)

  • File:Jtl37-omxil.pdf


  • Katsuya Matsubara (iGel)
    • Integrating a Hardware Video Codec into Android Stagefright using OpenMAX IL
      • Demonstration



  • Mitsuhiro Kimura (Toshiba)

    • Evaluation of TIPC
      • Linux に組み込まれている通信プロトコル TIPC について、組込環境で TCP/IP と比較評価を行いました。
  • File:TIPC CELF Japan TJ37.pdf


  • Simon Horman
    • Adding support to Linux to boot the AP4EB and Makerel boards from the MMCIF and SDHI hardware blocks


  • Shinsuke Kato (Panasonic)

    • Embedded Linux Conference / Android Builders Summit Report
  • Presentation(Japanese) File:ELC ABS 2011 Report Jamboree.ppt (最終版に差し替えました 5/20 17時)



  • Calling for your session proposals

  • Session proposal how-to. / 提案の方法

  • Please be noted above time table is just a guideline and may be shifted. / 上記の時間割は目安です。かなり前後する可能性がありますので、あらかじめご承知おきください。

Special Remarks

  • Please place some detail descriptions about each presentation topics.


Ask for your help / お願い

Presentation Materials

  • We wish you to prepare the materials in English. / 出来るだけプレゼンテーション資料は英語で表記してください。絶対ではありませんが、日本語が理解できない方に対しての配慮が出来ればと思います。
  • Please leave your material in this wiki site after the event. / ジャンボリー終了後、プレゼンテーション資料はこのWikiに残してください。

English Translation Volunteer

  • If you can help the translation volunteer from Japanese to English, we would be very much appreciated! / 日本語を英訳していただくボランティアを大歓迎します!


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